Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I've changed a blogskin , comments are appreciated (:

Boohoo ! (:
Hello everyone , i'm amanda from sec 2B and here to introduce this particular blog to you . LOL , alright , enough of my craps and nonsense okay . I've stopped blogging since 7th January , so i'll continue from there (:
& people , i've like changed my languageee of here nd there .

8th January 2007

Alright , went to school as usual , so had things and so on . We were like choosing our seats , i mean you know the ' arrangement ' then at first i already sit with alicia , and which she's my kind of good friend lah . then this time , fuk ! because she wanted to sit in the ' second row ' and i wanted that too , then in the end right , no one wants to change with us , and she says , she dont mind sitting with ' quan jie ' so i was like fuk nd i ' diao ' her lah , and give her a damn kind of look . so , there went , everyone says she's like fuk so flirty can . she's such a despo or whichever , soever . okay , whatever i dont wanna talk bad about her =.- but this part of SEATS omg , i really can't stand it ! i'm must vent my anger here , you can choose not to read it or what so ever uh .

omg , i'm like so fuk-ed up alright . ~~~

alright , whatever , so i ended up sitting with brandon )))))))))))))))))))):
i'm totally upset over this or whatever . don't say whatever shit .
emo emo me ))))): oh my goodness , RARRRR ! i need to vent my anger . omgomgomg ~ omfgzzz .

alright , with some chinese dance stuffs .
we had dance practice -.-
danced danced danced .
i'm so sick and tired of being so tired .

okay , continue on with some other days , fuck-ed up .

9th January 2007

Today , now class as usual , today got ' good ' show watch =.- okay , whatever , it dont concern public right ? [: anyway , then erm , so on so on , lessons lah . then after that dance practice and CCA fair rehearsal , next week got again =.- anyway , my band BUDDIES , i mean my GOOOOOOOOOOD BEST friend , are all in band , and so they were watching us , and i was like oh my gawd ! when i see my close friends , i'll laugh and make errors , lucky this time it didn't happen (: yup , i think that's all on today , good bye (:

Tag Replies ! [:

Alison <3: HELLOS ! Thanks for your compliments lah ! Yeah , purple rocks ! hahah , you're in love with purple ? me too ! especially different shades of purple , which makes me go so oh my gawd ! Hahah , anyway , relinked [:
{ / passer-by . }: Erm , thanks for the compliment , and just to inform you , i don't care if you saw it , because i made it myself (:

anyway , to those childish spammers !

Ha ha ha ! ' so funny ' like duh lors , i dont spam please .
childish people , bye (:

Alright , try to blog tmre or so ,
homeworks not done !!
Take Care ! ♥♥♥

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